Monday, April 13, 2009

The count

It is 5:00 pm and I have changed eight poopy diapers today.

Yep. Eight.


  1. Now those are some healthy kids! I haven't changed nearly that many.

  2. And I thought I was the only one who had kids that pooped more than once a day! So glad to hear it's not just me, but sorry there have been 8 about some cheese and bananas for those kids to "slow" things up a bit? (It never works for me, but I know it works for others...)

  3. I don't have two in dipes anymore like I used to, but Logan can sure poop a lot. That's why I potty-trained him a few weeks ago. Freedom!!!!

  4. Lucky you, Melissa! E still doesn't have any desire to use the potty. Sheesh! It's not like I won't still be changing diapers for a while though, so I guess it doesn't matter a whole lot if it's 2 kids or 1. Except when they poop 8 times a day!

  5. That is a lot of poop! Yuck! Don't think I have changed that many in one day for a while!
