Monday, April 28, 2008


So, I've been tagged.
Thanks, Jess. =) Here you go.

1. What was I doing ten years ago??
Spring of '98 - I was a junior at Geneva. It was a very fun, but crazy semester. I remember the weather being super nice and that the crabapple trees between Old Main and the library smelled amazing. I think I was taking a couple of great Bible classes, Advanced Composition, Native American Lit (interesting & fun) and an absolutely wretched Technical Writing night class. And, you know, friends and fun - good times. This one could get really long if I wanted it to. =)

2. Five things currently on my "to-do" list...
1. change out everyone's sheets & towels
2. fold & put away the clean laundry
3. do some more laundry
4. take Elijah to the library & see if they have discount passes to the zoo
5. take a shower

3. Snacks I enjoy...
1. Oreos dunked in milk
2. tortilla chips and good queso dip (not so easy to find in RI)
3. POPCORN!!!!!!!!!!!
4. apples
5. tossed salad with sunflower seeds on top

4. Five things I'd do if I were a billionaire... (seriously, there'd be more than 5 things to do with a billion dollars, so this is just to get started!)
1. Pay off all our friends' school loans (and ours, too!)
2. Get us (OK, it's for Patrick) the best minivan Honda makes - with all the fun gadgets
3. Get Patrick all the motorcycle gear that he's been oh-so-slowly saving for
4. Fly my mom & myself & the kid to Pittsburgh often to see Grandma and all our other peoples there - and Patrick can come when he has time =)
5. Move out of this apt into a place with more bedrooms & a yard so that I can get Elijah a swing set and a baby pool for the summer

5. My 5 bad habits....
1. being late - and generally not having any concept of time
2. watching stupid things on tv or playing on the internet instead of getting something useful done when Elijah is asleep
3. starting projects that are too big to finish
4. not calling the people I really want to talk to
5. letting the laundry go until Elijah is completely out of PJs and/or clean diaper covers and then forgetting to put that important load into the dryer

6. Places I've lived.
1. Longmont, CO (twice)
2. Broomfield, CO
3. Beaver Falls, PA
4. Denver, CO and Aurora, CO
5. here in Rhode Island

7. Five jobs I've had...
1. intern at NOAA's Enviromental Technology labs in Boulder
2. Geneva's bookstore
3. editor & style guide at netLibrary
4. legal secretary
5. mom

8. Who's next?? (You all may do this if you like, or totally ignore it - no pressure.)
1. Erin
2. Wizzy
3. Amanda
4. Melissa
5. anyone who thinks this looks fun!


  1. I had a feeling this tag was going to make itself around to me eventually after seeing it on Carolynn and Jess' blogs. Ahh, the crab apple trees at Geneva. I was just telling John about those the other day after seeing some in bloom here. I think I have some of the same bad habits. I hope you become a billionare so you can pay off my loans and come visit me! LOL. Love you doll!

  2. It's funny, you and I have the same bad habits and the same "to do list". Hope to see you guys soon.

  3. I LOVE your new header picture! Tres beautiful!!!!!!!! Thank you!

    You must take as many scenery pictures as you can during your short sojourn in RI... ;-)

  4. who said its going to be short? do you know something i don't?

  5. i am amazed at the detail you remember about our junior year. i don't have a clue which classes i was taking when...
