Wednesday, December 10, 2008

(Almost) rolling over

Molly is almost rolling from her back to her tummy now. She gets 3/4 of the way, but can't quite get over that inside shoulder. (She actually did get all the way over once, but it seems to have been a fluke.) The funny thing is that she likes to just hang out there - half way between her side and her tummy. It's a good place to be able to reach for things. She is really active when she's playing on the floor now - rolling and scooting this way and that until she's inched her way across the floor. Molly thinks it's great to find herself in a new place where she can reach construction trucks and other big boy toys, so I have to keep a close eye on her!

A big, goofy (eye-scrunching) grin is hiding behind that fist!

Elijah's version of the cheesy grin

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