Wednesday, January 9, 2008


On Monday night around 2 am a strange coughing noise came over the baby monitor. "That's a new one," I thought, and went to investigate. After I picked up a whimpering Elijah out of his crib, I realized he had been vomiting and that we were both now covered in it (spaghetti, among other things - lovely). Fun. Patrick came to help and we changed E and his whole bed. So Elijah is sick. Thankfully, he's not done much throwing up since, but he's also had some diarrhea and is just feeling crummy. Poor kid. He's been really tired, but having trouble napping so that's not helping anything. He actually ate a whole piece of toast and some apple for dinner tonight (after holding down a few Cheerios here and there all afternoon), so maybe we are on the way out of this thing.
Mmmm ... dry toast


  1. oh, how sad! i hate the pukey sickness. i hope it doesn't last long.

  2. Yucko! I hope you get better soon Elijah and that you don't give it to Momma or Daddy.
