Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Flag Cake

This weekend we went to two picnics and celebrated two bithdays and Memorial Day. There was a lot of celebration and fun, so we went all out and made a fun new dessert - Festive Flag Cake. I substituted strawberries for the raspberries since raspberries are gross and it is strawberry season. It turned out to be a much bigger project than I anticipated, but WOW! What a great cake! I baked and assembled the cake and Patrick put it together for me (and stayed home while Elijah finished his nap so I could go to the picnic on time - what a great husband!) and once again, our tag-team baking was (eventually) a success. If anyone tries the recipe - I think the recipe for the sheet cake actually is enough for both layers - not the single that the recipe says. It is way too much batter for one layer! Anyway, people loved it, so maybe we will make it again, and hopefully it will be easier and less of a mess the second time.
Happy Birthday Stuart and Eric, and welcome home Cameron!