Saturday, July 11, 2009


So, we moved yesterday. Well, our furniture and stuff did, anyway. Not a big move this time - it's just about 20 minutes from the old place to the new place. The new place is a lot closer to Patrick's office, which means more a little more time with him in the evenings - hooray! The old and new places are about the same size, but we will have interior stairs at the new place (Molly will be thrilled) and our own, ground floor front door. I am excited not to have to carry the groceries and a kid (and hold another hand) half a block from the parking lot and up a flight of stairs to our front door anymore. Yeah! There are some things I am not as excited about - the kitchen is the size of a closet, and there's no room for the sewing machine, and anyone taller than Elijah has to duck going down the stairs, and there is very little storage space - but I am going to focus on the good things. Patrick and I got to spend the day unpacking and getting things set up at the new place, thanks to Jackie who watched the kids for us, and Luke who helped us unpack, and Becky & Charlie who kept their kids while they were here. We really got a lot done, and I was encouraged to see that things are fitting pretty well, and we're finding solutions for most things. We aren't really moved in yet - we're all still sleeping at the old place at this point (the kids in their own beds and us on the air mattress), but we'll get there soon. Patrick's parents are coming up tomorrow to help us get completely moved in and baby-proof and all that jazz. We're so thankful for all the help we've had this week and all month as we've been packing and getting ready. Maybe soon I can put up some pictures of the new place.

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