Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sick and other fun

Patrick is sick, so we stayed home today. How weird to be home on a Sunday! Last week was kind of long anyway, so I'm extra sorry to have missed my weekly trip into adult society. At least I got out for a bit yesterday afternoon, and I actually have plans to be social a couple of times later this week. Poor Patrick is feeling pretty crummy, so we are just taking it easy today and hoping that Elijah and I don't get it too.

Here are some pictures we took the other night of Elijah in his undershirt. (I had no idea they made those for little boys!) We took his shirt off for dinner and it was just too funny to get him dressed again without taking some pictures. He also decided to put on some hats to complete his outfit.

Today Elijah learned to say "kiwi" and decided that the words "shampoo" and "peel" are hilarious. (We have no idea what that is about.) Some other random things from our house today:

Mama: "No thank you, I don't want a truck in my cereal."

Elijah: "Me-me. Toot!" ("Excuse me. I tooted.")

Lately we discovered the National Geographic Kids animal page. Elijah loves it! He is so excited about anything animals that we decided to look for some real animal sounds and pictures for him. The NG site is great. (We did, however, learn to avoid playing the sounds of some of the scarier animals after Elijah got kinda freaked out by the lion.) E asks for the elephants so often that we made one of the pictures our desktop photo so it is always available!


  1. We still on for Thursday? I hope Patrick gets better soon and that the rest of you don't come down with it! That would be no fun!

  2. He's getting started on the "wife beater" image a bit early!

  3. hi patrick and julie, i just wanted to say hello, i hope all is well. many blessings to you and your family.

  4. wife beaters for babes. loooove it! and of course, who else would take advantage of that fashion other than PT's son? i am sorry that he is sick and hope it is short-lived and none too catchy.

    i love that he thinks words are funny! he really is taking off with all the talking.

  5. Oh dear the wife beater is too funny and cute. It is also adorable that he was apologizing for tooting. Hope PT feels better soon and that you and EJ don't catch it. I don't think being sick, pregnant and taking care of a sick toddler sounds like much fun.
