Sunday, October 30, 2011

3 months old - and more pictures

Finn turned 3 months old last Saturday! I don't know exactly how much he weighs, but he is a beast - I would guess 18-19 pounds?  That would make him as heavy now as Elijah was when he was a year old.  Yikes.  He hasn't had as many growth spurt-type eating days this month, but he continues to grow very quickly.  (It's no wonder that I am hungry ALL the time.)  He wore his 6 month clothes for about three weeks, and is now in the 9 month size.  Lately I feel like I spend all my time doing laundry and switching out clothes!  

Finn is very smiley and happy most of the time.  He likes his swing, usually, and likes watching the big kids play.  He is starting to make little laughing noises for Daddy and I am eagerly listening for that first real laugh. =)  He is also starting to pay attention to hanging toys and batting at them.  He spends a lot of time trying to put his hands in his mouth.  I think we may have a thumb-sucker on our hands when he gets dexterous enough to get it in there, though I think I'd rather he stuck with the pacifier. 

what, me? fat?  no.

movie night while Daddy was away

Elijah has discovered the Magic Tree House series (short chapter books) and he LOVES them

Molls is getting to be quite the builder - with blocks and train tracks


  1. Such a chunky monkey 'little' Finn is! :) Cameron is finally tapering off a little in the growth department, which considering he's only about 5 or 6 pounds LESS than his 3 year old sister, I'm totally ok with. :)

  2. A fell in love with the Magic Tree House books around this age! And started spouting all sorts of encyclopedic information as a result. :) P loves to have A read them to her--she is not reading well enough to tackle them on her own. Way to go Elijah!

    And N was a pilot his first Halloween too! But Finn has a better jacket. :)

    All your kids are getting so big so fast. :)
