Saturday, March 19, 2011


Patrick and I got to go to my 20-week ultrasound yesterday morning.

The big question was answered right away - we're having another boy! We are thrilled (Patrick actually yelled when we found out) and excited to be able to start thinking of names and designing a quilt. I always feel so much more connected to the little one I'm carrying around once I can feel them kicking and know whether to call them "him" or "her." (I just can't stand calling a baby "it.")

It was amazing to see our baby in all his tiny perfectness - great views of the four chambers of his heart beating and pumping blood, and resting (for a moment - he sure is an active little guy!) with his arms above his head - just like big brother Elijah does when he sleeps. We are so thankful that he is healthy and all is well.

We were a little nervous to tell Molly - she has been quite sure that the baby would be a girl - but she accepted the news without any signs of being upset, and seems to be adjusting to the idea of having a baby brother. Knowing the gender also seems to be helping the kids imagine what having a baby is going to be like, and they both seem much more inclined to love him now. My belly has been rubbed much more often now, and more tenderly, to say hi to little brother.


  1. Yay! I heartily endorse the boy-girl-boy birth order. ;) So glad Molly accepted the news of her little brother so well!

  2. HOORAY!!!!! So excited for the Tanner family!
